Aphasia Reconnect is a peer support network for people with aphasia.
We work in partnership with people with aphasia to promote inclusion, participation, and community, transforming lives by bringing people with aphasia together and creating opportunities to re-engage with life after stroke.
Aphasia can have a profound impact on every aspect of life. Everyday activities such as taking part in conversation, answering the phone or replying to an email or letter can suddenly become a source of profound frustration and anxiety, leaving people feeling isolated and unable to participate in life. This has perhaps never been more true than now. Our continuing support in the form of physical and virtual groups and one-to-one phone buddies continue to provide a lifeline for people struggling with a life turned inside out, offering peer support, friendship, community and opportunity to hundreds of people with aphasia.
Our volunteers include people with aphasia, as well as people looking toward speech and language therapy as a profession, retired Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) and student SLTs on clinical placement from their universities. All students and volunteers receive a wide range of support and training.