UCL World Stroke Day Forum 2019
This year’s UCL World Stroke Day Forum brought together more than 200 stroke survivors and 70 researchers and clinicians from across London, to discuss the future of stroke rehabilitation in the UK.
The forum, organised by the UCL Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging, hosted workshops and talks led by world-class neuroscientists and clinicians in stroke including, Professor Cathy Price who is Head of UCL Wellcome Trust and Professor Nick Ward, founder of the Queens Square Upper Limb Neurorehabilitation Clinic.
There were also talks and workshops from leading charities supporting stroke survivors, including the Stroke Association, and the recently launched charity SameYou, founded by Emilia Clarke, where the CEO and co-founder Jenny Clarke discussed their plans to promote and support brain injury recovery through the improvement of neurorehabilitation support services.
Public Engagement Manager at the Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging (UCL), Cassandra Hugill, said the forum aims to spark change and to empower stroke survivors to influence and contribute to the future of research.
“It is a day to share progress and gain valuable feedback from those living with and caring for those after stroke.
“We wanted to create a platform for everyone’s voice to be heard acknowledging the experience and expertise of each individual, whether they are lived experts, carers, clinicians, researchers or charity representatives – everyone has something to contribute to further progress research and rehabilitation in the UK.
“Stroke survivors can feel incredibly isolated and many have reported a lack of purpose in their lives, through this forum we hope to show them how important their voice is,” said Hugill.
This was the Wellcome Centre’s second annual World Stroke Day forum, with the first being a resounding success and many attendees highlighting the need for this platform to share and learn between clinical experts and those with lived experiences.